Дипломная. Irony as a stylistic device in political discourse and ways of its rendering (based on Kazakhstani mass media)

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Характеристики работы

Год написания: 2016.

Специальность (дисциплина): Переводческое дело.

Количество страниц: 36 стр.

Уникальность: 92% (антиплагиат.ру), 93% (антиплагиат.ВУЗ), 93% (e-txt antiplagiat).

АП.ру 97%


Дополнительно: Доклад и презентация к защите.

Стоимость: 30 000 тенге




Part I Functioning of irony as a stylistic device in political discourse 

1.1 Definition of irony and ways of expressing it 

1.2 Political discourse and its peculiarities 

1.3 Realization of ironic meaning in political discourse 

Conclusions to the first part  

Part II Methods of rendering an ironic image in newspaper articles based on Kazakhstani mass media 

2.1 Linguistic peculiarities of irony in political newspaper articles 

2.2 Analysis of ways of ironic image rendering in Kazakhstani newspapers 

2.3 Difficulties in realization of ironic meaning and ways of their solving 

Conclusions to the second part   



Appendix A


Appendix B


Appendix С






Выдержка из работы

The aim of the graduation work is to consider irony as an essential part of image creation and its rendering in political discourse based on Kazakhstani mass media.

The main objectives of the graduation work are:

- description of the basic stylistic features of irony in the political discourse;

- research of political discourse features in linguistics;

- study of ways of irony rendering in the political discourse;

- analysis of language features and rendering modes in the ironic sense of political newspaper articles based on Kazakhstani mass media;

- assessment of problems and solutions in the ironic sense rendering;

- defining the main translation means for rendering irony in political discourse.