Дипломная. Comparison of nationalism in western europe and central asia civic nationalism versus ethnic nationalism

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Характеристики работы

Год написания: 2017.

Специальность (дисциплина): Международные отношения.

Количество страниц:  51 стр.

Уникальность: 95% (antiplagiat.ru), 91% (e-txt antiplagiat).

   АП.ру 95 (1)

етхт 91

Стоимость: 60 000 тенге




1 Nationalism basics

1.1 State and nation as principles of nationalism

1.2 Nationalism, concept, role in society

1.3 Nationalism typology

2 Comparison of nationalism in Western Europe and Central Asia

2.1 Western Europe civic nationalism Features

2.2 Ethnic nationalism features in Central Asia

2.3 The issue of civic nationalism in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan

3 Problems of nationalism in Western Europe and Central Asia and their solutions

3.1 Problems of modern nationalism

3.2 Ways to solve modern nationalism problems 





Выдержка из работы

The purpose of our work is to determine the specifics of the development of civic and ethnic nationalism by the example of countries in Western Europe and Central Asia. 

Research Questions:  

  • determine the role of nationalism in the development of the state and society; 

  • describe the main types of nationalism; 

  • assess the characteristics of civil and ethnic nationalism; 

  • identify the problems and prospects for the development of nationalism in modern conditions. 

Objectives of the study: 

  • role definition of nationalism in the development of the state and society; 

  • features identification of the main types of nationalism; 

  • characteristics assessment of civic and ethnic nationalism; 

  • identification of problems and prospects for the development of nationalism in modern conditions. 

The object of the study is civic and ethnic nationalism, as indicators of the development of the state and society. 

The subject of the study is indicators characterizing nationalism.